PMC created the Non-commerical Filing Window Project, which mobilized several organizations to help more than 300 public radio, arts and community radio organizations file license requests for FM noncommercial radio channels during the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) Noncommercial Filing Window in 2007. As a result of this collaborative effort, over 100 new public radio stations have begun broadcasting across the country.
More than 70 of these 300 organizations worked directly with PMC and its close partners to file applications for more than 100 frequencies. Nearly half of these applicants were new to public radio. To determine the viability of available radio channels, PMC commissioned engineering studies to identify high potential frequencies. Nationwide maps denoting the potential signal coverage of available channels were shared with the public radio community to generate awareness, and to assist organizations in applying for channels that could effectively expand public radio services. To increase audience diversity for newly awarded stations, PMC re-granted funds to four partner organizations: Future of Music Coalition (FMC), Native Public Media (NPM), Pacifica Foundation and Radio Bilingüe.