Survey Results: Sustainability & Audience Are Critical

We want to thank our many friends and partners who took time to complete Public Media Company’s March 2024 field survey. We received responses from an array of public and nonprofit media organizations, as well as support organizations and funders. Your responses are incredibly helpful and give us valuable insight into the issues that are impacting local media organizations’ businesses models and services to...


Vermont PBS and Vermont Public Radio merge on July 1, 2021

Vermont PBS and Vermont Public Radio officially join forces Big congratulations to Vermont PBS and Vermont Public Radio, which formally announced they have merged organizations as of July 1, 2021.  This momentous day is the result of several years of collaborative work and discussions among both organizations’  staffs and boards about what a combined pubic media entity could bring to Vermont and surrounding regions....


Coming Together For Vermont

Public Media Company congratulates Vermont PBS and Vermont Public Radio on the decision to join forces and strengthen service for the people of Vermont. It has been a pleasure working with such dedicated and insightful leaders over the past several months. FROM CURRENT: The boards of Vermont PBS and Vermont Public Radio unanimously voted Wednesday to merge their organizations into one public media station....


Our Impact, By the Numbers

Public Media Company has a track record of almost 20 years of impact – here’s an updated list of the transactions that we’ve helped bring to fruition. Our work in creating more scalable and sustainable local public media has impacted more than 80 million people, or 1-in-4 Americans. Read the full list here....


Know the Value of Your License

An FCC broadcast license is considered an indefinite-life intangible asset. We are noticing that more public broadcasting stations are leveraging the market value of their license(s) in financing projects or attracting philanthropic support. Whether the license was gifted decades ago or purchased recently, noncommercial educational radio and TV stations have a value. If you are interested in getting a fair market valuation of your...


The IWMF Acquires Acclaimed Journalism Nonprofit Round Earth Media

Public Media Company played a significant role in helping Round Earth Media plan, evaluate and facilitate this move to its future home. Congratulations to both Round Earth Media and the International Women’s Media Foundation. The International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) has announced its acquisition of global journalism nonprofit Round Earth Media (REM). Newly operating as a program of the IWMF, REM will continue its groundbreaking...


Courting Future Business Models: Are Public Media and Scrappy Startups the Next Trend for Mergers?

FROM THE NIEMAN JOURNALISM LAB: In these potential pre-recession days, everyone is watching consolidations and combinations (and private equity purchases). But what about mergers — between public media and spry startups that keep the teams intact and the mission of impactful journalism alive? Colorado Public Radio’s scooping up Denverite from the promising Spirited Media flashed extra bright on much of Media Twitter’s radar, as it also signaled the end of Spirited...


New England Public Radio and WGBY Television Join Together to Create New England Public Media

Public Media Company helped plan and facilitate this innovative collaboration between New England Public Radio and WGBY Television, which will provide valuable service to Western Massachusetts. Public Media Company worked closely with license holder WGBH to develop the plan to expand capacity for journalism and multi-platform content across the state. Springfield, Mass., (April 11, 2019) – New England Public Radio and WGBY Public Television...


For Sale: A Public Broadcasting Station Near You?

FROM JAN SCHAFFER, CPB OMBUDSMAN REPORTS: Last month, Alaska’s Gov. Mike Dunleavy proposed ending all state funding for public broadcasting, He is seeking to save $3.6 million to help close a $1.6 billion budget deficit. For the state’s 27 public radio stations, which provide emergency alerts as well as community news, it would be a double whammy. Even with extra federal support for their...


NJTV News and NJ Spotlight Join Forces as WNET Acquires NJ Spotlight

Public Media Company served as a key advisor and facilitator of this acquisition, and believes it will provide great service to the residents of New Jersey. Underlining the importance of strong local news, this unique pairing of public television with an independent online news site will reach more residents and have greater impact. FROM NEW JERSEY PUBLIC MEDIA: Furthering its commitment to New Jersey...