Discover New Music Opportunities: VuHaus Group Update

It’s been six years since VuHaus Group was launched as an independent non-profit dedicated to connecting public media’s music discovery stations with artists and audiences across the country. Public Media Company and five leading public media organizations launched VuHaus Group in 2015 with a commitment to create meaningful distribution and revenue opportunities for music stations. The 20 current affiliates of VuHaus include joint licensees, stand-alone music stations, and NPR...


PMC Director Carlos Barrionuevo named to CDP Board

Congratulations to Carlos Barrionuevo, our colleague here at Public Media Company. Contributor Development Partnership (CDP) recently announced that Goli Sheikholeslami and Carlos Barrionuevo have been added to the CDP Board of Directors. CDP provides a suite of fundraising services to help public media stations grow their revenue and impact. As a CDP board member guiding the direction of the enterprise, Carlos Barrionuevo brings  +20 years...


Dream A Big Dream

Last week’s big news from Chicago (no, not the Bears leaving the city) marked the latest chapter in a decade-long transition from local journalism primarily driven by a monopoly business model centered around a legacy print product to non-profit organizations anchored by community support. This first of its kind, this potential merger could ensure the survival of aggressive, daily watchdog journalism and expand the...


Helping Expand Public Radio in Northeast Ohio

Public Media Company worked with Ideastream Public Media in Cleveland, Ohio, and WKSU-FM in Akron, Ohio, to analyze and architect how the two stations could leverage their broadcast assets to amplify the work of local public media journalists in the Akron – Cleveland metropolitan areas. The two stations recognized that if they pooled their broadcast signals, they could have one large signal for the...


Putting ideas in motion, for stations and for public media overall

Since our inception 20 years ago, Public Media Company continues to embrace our mission of helping stations provide new, innovative service models to increase their sustainability. We advocated for multiple formats in our “More Channels, More Service” campaign and our Non-Commercial Filing Window project in 2007; Pioneered tax-exempt financing as a tool for public broadcasters; Co-launched collaborative service models such as VuHaus;  Combined technical...


Public Media Company Supports the Financial Sustainability of Regional Journalism Collaborations

CREATING BUSINESS MODELS FOR JOURNALISM COLLABORATIONS  Public Media Company has always lived by our mission to foster sustainable local independent media growth, but how we achieve that has evolved as public media has changed to meet the needs of local communities. More recently, that has included supporting the development and ongoing financial sustainability of regional journalism collaborations across the county. In our early years,...


Vermont PBS and Vermont Public Radio merge on July 1, 2021

Vermont PBS and Vermont Public Radio officially join forces Big congratulations to Vermont PBS and Vermont Public Radio, which formally announced they have merged organizations as of July 1, 2021.  This momentous day is the result of several years of collaborative work and discussions among both organizations’  staffs and boards about what a combined pubic media entity could bring to Vermont and surrounding regions....


CPR and PMC: 20 Years of Partnership

Client Spotlight Colorado Public Radio and Public Media Company: 20 years of Partnership Colorado Public Radio (CPR) was Public Media Company’s first client and we have been partners ever since. As CPR’s COO, Jenny Gentry, says, “When I look back on the evolution and growth of CPR over the past 20 years, Public Media Company has been a strong partner through every step. PMC’s services...