ATSC 3.0 – New Standards and the Future of Broadcasting

The Quello Center is co-hosting a two-day meeting with the Public Media Company (PMC); the event will bring public television station general managers together to discuss the potential of Advanced Television Systems Committee standards 3.0 (ATSC 3.0) for digital television to enhance the public service offerings that public broadcasters can offer their local communities, with an emphasis on opportunities in education. The event will begin at 9am on the 18th of October, and after noon on the 19th, at the MSU facilities in Detroit. For more information, visit the event page at the Quello Center.

In addition to the Detroit meeting, PMC will be co-hosting other informational meetings for public television station general managers in Baltimore (September 22 & 23) and Las Vegas (November 9 & 10).

Here’s the full schedule:
Baltimore, MD: September 22 & 23
Detroit, MI: October 18 & 19
Las Vegas, NV: November 9 & 10

Please contact PMC CEO Marc Hand, or Vinnie Curren, principal consultant, for more information about the upcoming ATSC 3.0 meetings or drop us a line at