Meetings for Station Leaders Will Focus on ATSC 3.0 TV Broadcast Standard

Public Media Co. is hosting three meetings for station executives to learn more about the upcoming ATSC 3.0 broadcast standard.

“The overall goal is to bring smaller groups of stations together over two days to focus on giving station managers a firm grounding in ATSC 3.0 and the implications for public television from a mission, business, revenue and strategic perspective,” said Marc Hand, CEO of the Boulder, CO– based consultancy. For more, read the full article on Current…

Here’s the full schedule:
Baltimore, MD: September 22 & 23
Detroit, MI: October 18 & 19
Las Vegas, NV: November 9 & 10

Please contact PMC CEO Marc Hand, or Vinnie Curren, principal consultant, for more information about the upcoming ATSC 3.0 meetings or drop us a line at