Public Media Company Hires Kristina Cushing de Recinos as Director, Public Media Venture Group

Public Media Company is pleased to announce that Kristina Cushing de Recinos has joined Public Media Company to lead its “Next Generation TV” initiatives, including the Public Media Venture Group, a coalition of 25 public media television licensees representing 97 stations that reach 199 million Americans. Public Media Venture Group member stations are committed to working together and investing collaboratively in Next Generation TV...


Radio ITVT: Marc Hand, Public Media Company and Tim Hanlon, The Vertere Group

Public Media Company (PMC), a non-profit strategic consulting firm that assists public broadcasters with business development and technology and service innovation, earlier this month hired Tim Hanlon–CEO of investment-advisory and strategic consulting firm, The Vertere Group, and a well-known figure in advanced-TV circles–as a key advisor to the Public Media Venture Group (PMVG). The latter is a group of 24 public television stations that...


Five Reasons to Build on Public Media’s Journalism Collaborations

Within public media there’s been an explosion of journalism collaboration in recent years. It burst from the top down — with grant-funded projects initiated in 2010 by CPB and NPR — and from the ground up, as stations such as KUNC in Greeley, Colo., created their own content-sharing partnerships. Yet eight years later this collaborative journalism web is not yet woven together in a...


Pacifica Announces Settlement with Empire State Building and Empire State Realty Trust

The Pacifica Foundation announced today the settlement on a series of agreements that releases WBAI, the organization’s New York radio station, from a court judgement as well as the last two years of its lease at the Empire State Building as of May 31st, 2018. The Foundation is also in the final stages of completing an agreement to relocate its transmission facility to a...


Public Media Company Announces Strategic Partnership With Triveni Digital to Develop ATSC 3.0 Solutions Serving Public Television

Public Media Company has announced plans to pursue a strategic partnership with Triveni Digital, a leading broadcast technology equipment and consulting firm, to assist the Public Media Venture Group in developing a suite of services to expand the capacity of public television stations to better serve communities using the capabilities of Next Gen TV (ATSC 3.0) and other new technologies. This strategic partnership will...


Navigating the Complexity of the FCC Auction of Broadcast Spectrum

2016 marked the beginning of the FCC Spectrum Auction, which was six years in planning and played out over a year, finishing up in early 2017. Public Media Company advised numerous public stations in advance of the auction and commissioned a national research analysis of possible auction results for public television stations. The analysis offered the only data that organizations could use to balance...


Public Media Company Partners with WGBH Business Services to Form Purchasing Service for Public Media Stations

April 4, 2018 – Public Media Company and WGBH Business Services today announced their partnership in a new procurement service designed to coalesce the purchasing power of public TV and radio stations to reduce costs and streamline efforts. Supported by a $250,000 grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), the venture is the first of its kind for public media and will be...


West Virginia Public Broadcasting Rebounds with the Help of Public Media Company

The decline of the coal mining industry hit West Virginia hard, prompting the governor to propose cutting $4.5 million in state funding for West Virginia Public Broadcasting. This cut could have had a devastating impact on West Virginia Public Broadcasting, since it costs $3.5 million annually to broadcast radio and television signals to the mountainous regions in West Virginia. Fortunately, vocal listeners and viewers...


Nevada Public Radio Expands With Music Station in Reno

Nevada Public Radio recently completed the acquisition of KJIV 89.1 FM in Reno, Nevada, a move that extends their public radio service into a growing and vibrant market. In addition to representing Nevada Public Radio throughout the process, Public Media Company also prepared the business model and financial analysis to test the viability of the purchasing a Reno-based station and launching a  “music discovery”...


Public TV Urges FCC to Exempt Stations From ATSC 3.0 Simulcasting Rules

“Public broadcasters have asked the FCC to exempt noncommercial TV stations from a regulation requiring them to transmit video in two different broadcast standards during rollout of Next Generation TV technology. In filings with the agency last week, pubcasters also urged the commission to allow broadcasters to use vacant TV channels during the transition to the new broadcast standard, also known as ATSC 3.0....