Public Radio Capital is announcing the release of its analysis of the noncommercial radio sales trends. PRC has prepared this analysis since 2005 for internal distribution and to share with appraisal clients; it will now be available to the greater public media community.
Following are highlights from this year’s report:
- The number of noncommercial radio sales continues to grow; there were 116 licensed noncommercial sales in 2012, which set the record for the past 13 years analyzed.
- Despite the upward trend in the number of licensed noncommercial radio sales, total sales volume ($), excluding commercial band FM sales, has been down for the past three years.
- After a significant increase in 2010 and 2011, the number of construction permit (CP) sales was down.
- In line with the historical trends, the majority of noncommercial radio stations, including CPs, were acquired by “non-public” radio entities, representing 78% of all sales in 2012.
- In recent years there has been an increase in the number of educational institutions (colleges and universities) selling their broadcast asset.
The full report can be viewed here.
If you would like more information about PRC’s appraisal services or the sales trend report, please contact Evran Kavlak at