NSPR Eyes Regional Public Radio Partnership to Enhance Reporting, Coverage

NSPR and CapRadio have Hired Public Media Company to Advise on a Partnership. In support of its commitment to expand local journalism and tell more of Northern California’s stories, North State Public Radio (NSPR) is studying a potential partnership with Capital Public Radio (CapRadio) in Sacramento. Together, NSPR and CapRadio are evaluating opportunities with the goal of strengthening mission-based public radio services provided to...


Know the Value of Your License

An FCC broadcast license is considered an indefinite-life intangible asset. We are noticing that more public broadcasting stations are leveraging the market value of their license(s) in financing projects or attracting philanthropic support. Whether the license was gifted decades ago or purchased recently, noncommercial educational radio and TV stations have a value. If you are interested in getting a fair market valuation of your...


Growing Support for Independent Journalism

Public Media Company is excited to have been part of two recent significant transactions that are helping to strengthen and grow independent, nonprofit journalism: Combining forces. International Women’s Media Foundation acquired journalism nonprofit Round Earth Media. Public Media Company played a significant role in helping Round Earth Media plan, evaluate and facilitate the move to its future home. Congratulations to both Round Earth Media and the...


Spectrum Repack Passes Halfway Point

Phase 3 of the Spectrum repack ended on June 21, 2019, which means about 60% of stations have completed their repack. Now is a critical time to plan for any delays in getting FCC reimbursement funds, and to identify how to pay for upgrades that may not be covered by the FCC. Public Media Company secured $20 million to assist public television stations with...


Public Media Group Launches to Grow Broadcasters’ Services and Revenue Streams

PMG is dedicated to building and operating a technology infrastructure system that powers broadcasters as the industry moves toward ATSC 3.0 and beyond Public Media Group (PMG) has just been launched to transform broadcast technology infrastructure and ensure broadcasters are able to leverage the full power — and revenue opportunities — of next generation broadcasting standards (Next Gen TV). As broadcast standards advance and...


Public Media Company Celebrates 19 Years!

Public Media Company has a board of 9 inspired and devoted public media leaders, who meet twice a year in person to help chart our course in making public media more dynamic and sustainable. At our board meeting on May 5th, Public Media Company went back to its roots in Boulder, Colorado to celebrate our 19-year history and the contributions of Public Media Company...


Greater Public Unveils Pilot Program to Improve Major-Gift Fundraising

Public Media Company is proud to have provided planning & financial modeling to Greater Public, doing our part to help roll out this important major donor development program, which aims to transform the economics of a public media station.   FROM CURRENT: Greater Public has partnered with Veritus Group, a fundraising consultancy that specializes in major donor programs, to accelerate major-gift fundraising at four...


The IWMF Acquires Acclaimed Journalism Nonprofit Round Earth Media

Public Media Company played a significant role in helping Round Earth Media plan, evaluate and facilitate this move to its future home. Congratulations to both Round Earth Media and the International Women’s Media Foundation. The International Women’s Media Foundation (IWMF) has announced its acquisition of global journalism nonprofit Round Earth Media (REM). Newly operating as a program of the IWMF, REM will continue its groundbreaking...


Public Media Company Announces Changes to Strengthen, Secure and Expand Public Media’s Role in Emerging Broadcasting Technologies

Public Media Company today announced organizational changes to strengthen and expand newly emerging technology infrastructures for the benefit of public media audiences nationwide. Last year, Public Media Company co-founded the Public Media Venture Group (PMVG) along with 31 leading public television stations. Currently housed at Public Media Company, PMVG will become an independent non-profit organization, established to focus on issues related to public television...


Courting Future Business Models: Are Public Media and Scrappy Startups the Next Trend for Mergers?

FROM THE NIEMAN JOURNALISM LAB: In these potential pre-recession days, everyone is watching consolidations and combinations (and private equity purchases). But what about mergers — between public media and spry startups that keep the teams intact and the mission of impactful journalism alive? Colorado Public Radio’s scooping up Denverite from the promising Spirited Media flashed extra bright on much of Media Twitter’s radar, as it also signaled the end of Spirited...