Public Media Company has announced that it is creating a focused effort associated with the Public Media Venture Group to identify, develop and create new technology and business development practices. Public Media Company is hiring Tim Hanlon,
Founder and CEO of The Vertere Group to work as a key advisor for the Public Media Venture Group, 24 leading public television stations jointly exploring business development, technologies and public service opportunities with the advent of Next Gen TV (aka ATSC 3.0).
As the Founder and CEO of The Vertere Group, Tim has been focused on helping today’s most forward-leaning media companies, marketers, entrepreneurs, and investors benefit from rapidly changing technological, communications, and marketing advances.
The Public Media Venture Group is a coalition of public media television stations serving over 188
million Americans. Public Media Venture Group member stations are committed to working
together and investing collaboratively in “Next Generation TV” and other new technologies for the
benefit of the American people.